2850 Murraywood Road Johns Island, SC, 29455
Ph: 843-559-8840
In person Bible Study - Sunday 9 am
Zoom Bible Study - 9 am
In person Worship - Sunday 10 am
Zoom Worship - Sunday 10 am
Zoom Bible Study - Wednesday 7pm
See home page for online Bible Study and Service detail

Announcements June 25, 2023
Sis. Brentney Simon
Sis. Renee Beckett
Sis. Nellie Bright
Sarai McAlister
Sis. Caroline Terry
Bro. David Bright
Bro. Hugh Pelzer
Bro. Alex Williams
Bro. Jonas Gadsen
Bro. Jamari Hazel
Bro. Clemon Collins
Bro. John Jenkins
Mr. Anthony Murray
Mrs. Terressa Primus
Ms. Carrie Campbell
Sis. Ann Foggy is requesting prayers for traveling grace for herself, her daughter and two grandchildren.
Sis. Wanda Wright is requesting traveling grace for herself and her family.
"Dealing With Life's Valleys"
Scripture: James 1:2-4
Speaker: Bro. Al Levine
Upcoming Meetings:
Our new members celebrationdinner will be held on August 6th,right after morning worship.
This celebration is for all persons who were recently baptized or placed membership with the Johns Island church of Christ.
We ask all of our new members to invite your families and friends to celebrate with you on that day.
We are also asking all Johns Island members to please plan now to stay after worship on that day and support our new members.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is right around the corner!
July 14-16th.
Please register at the following link: https:/
or RSVP by texting Bro. Mickey Walker or Sis. Naomi Walker
Thought for Today
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God,
who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him”
James 1:5